Alkali resistant fiberglass
It has long been known that to create a more durable and flexible concrete mix, you should buy alkali-resistant fiberglass in an online store in advance, because there are the most optimal prices. However, it is possible that this material remains a mystery to some citizens. We will try to answer the most popular questions right now.
Features of alkali-resistant fiberglass (fiberglass)
This type of fiber is artificial – inorganic glass was used to create it, and then an alkali-resistant fiberglass was created by melt (you can buy it today in many trading floors). Interestingly, there are several varieties of this material – E-glass (the most popular) and VMP (more durable varieties).
It is also important to pay attention to the fact that there are a number of brands of fiberglass, each of which has specific properties. These are E (electrical), S (strength), AR (alkaliresistant). In fact, there are a lot of such brands, so it is important to know first how to choose an alkali-resistant fiberglass – you can always buy the right kind of material on the Internet.
Similarity of alkali-resistant fiberglass with basalt fiber
With a careful study of all known types of reinforcing fibers, we can conclude that if it is not possible to buy alkali-resistant fiberglass in Ukraine at a moderate cost, then this material is easily replaced by basalt fiber. Indeed, for a variety of indicators, these types of reinforcing agents are similar, however, as experts advise, you should find out the brand of fiberglass before making a purchase. This will prevent the purchase of products whose alkali resistance will be minimal.
Cost of purchase of alkali-resistant fiberglass
Today, buying fiberglass online in Ukraine will not be any problem for ordinary citizens. Many outlets offer customers favorable terms of cooperation, but often come across offers that promise a significant overpayment. Remember that quality should come first, but this does not mean that you will have to give fabulous money for it!